Friday, July 29, 2011

End of School Fiesta!

This is Shirley, who has stayed with Carolina everyday while Wes and I were in school.  She's become a sweet part of our family.  Carolina goes to school next year, so this was our last day with Shirley!  A sad day... but, thankfully, she lives right down the street!! :)

The boys were all excited about the last day.

This was also Carolina's last day of having 'cafe' with the ladies.  I don't think she really realizes what that means... :)  She sure does love these ladies!

There was an "end of school fiesta" with lots of fun activities for the kids. Carolina FULLY enjoyed herself. :)

Weston's class, saying goodbye to Josefina, their teacher.  The kids have the same teacher for two years.  Josefina teaches 1st and 2nd grade, so we are hoping she will have Jonathan next year!  She is a wonderful teacher... she even invited Weston over to her house this summer.  She says she misses having kids around. :)

Nathan had a blast in the "bounce house"

Nicolas (the son of one of my good friends, and one of Jonathan's good friends!) with Jonathan and Nathan.

Nicolas, Jonathan, Nathan, and Inés.

Wes and Antonio playing ball with several of the kids

My good friend Pepi and her son Fernando.

Carolina was fascinated with watching this confetti fall to the ground... it was so cute, I had to try to capture the moment.

1 comment:

  1. I love that Nathan is rockin' his Creek t-shirt!!
