Friday, April 17, 2015

Fallas in the Schools!

Do you believe me yet, that Fallas is the most celebrated holiday in Valencia???? :)  hehe... seriously... there's excitement in the air this time of year!  As I mentioned, even the schools take time off from school for the 4 days of Fallas.  But... right before they take their break, each school has it's own little fiesta.  As y'all know, we have the kids in two different schools, so we always have two fiestas to attend! 

Weston and Nathan's school made their own Falla during the month of March.  All the kids spent time creating it, building it, painting it, decorating it... and then, they burn it!

It really is incredible how excited everyone gets over burning down a sculpture that the kids worked so hard on!  Weston's class even spread all the sand that you see everywhere, so that the fire wouldn't spread.  It was a great unifying project for the school!

This is Jonathan and Carolina's little school.  They just had the whole school repainted, including the "patio" floor, so they did not build and burn a falla this year.  They chose to do a Valenciano dance that's typical during Fallas, and then they passed out a chocolate drink with croissants! 

Carolina, of course, couldn't have the chocolate or the croissants, so I brought cookies especially for her.  She and a little friend named Ana ran away from the crowds to munch on them! :)

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