At this moment, I am sitting in a beautiful hotel room, on a borrowed computer, my heart filled to overflowing. I think I'm scared, thrilled, and hopeful all at the same time. There is so much to be done, but we serve the most amazing God who is SOVEREIGN over everything. My life is upside-down, and I haven't had my own "home" in 5 months now, but God is my rock and my fortress. He has called our family to great things, and He will be faithful to prepare and strengthen us for all that is ahead. The task seems overwhelming, but we serve a big God!! Wes always loves a "God-sized task!" :)
We arrived in FL a the beginning of September and we have spent a week with Wes's family. It has been wonderful and refreshing... and Carolina is in LOVE with their dogs! She screeches and her body actually shakes with excitement when she sees one of them. :) We have enjoyed lots of Legos, ice-cream, and card games that last until midnight! :) It's been lots of fun.
We wanted to make sure we had some time with Wes's family before we headed out for "appointment week," but our time went so fast! We kissed our babies goodbye on Friday and headed out for the 1/2 hour drive to Jacksonville. It was a little hard for me to leave the kids this time, and I think (besides the fact that Weston was clinging to Wes' neck, crying and asking him not to go...) it's harder b/c we are all in transition and just a little "off" in life. Everything is up in the air, and everything keeps changing. So, I think we all had a bit harder time this time (so pray for us all right now, if you think about it. :) )
We made it to Jacksonville with only
We are going through all our classes and info meetings during these next couple days. We have all been assigned "host churches" in the area, so tomorrow, we get to go to a local church! The amazing thing is, Wes's parent's church is our "host church"! We are so thrilled to be able to partner with them, and thankful for their sweet support... AND we get to see our children tomorrow!!!!!! :) (I am missing my sweet Carolina's wet kisses. :) )
Well, I must return this computer (thanks, Kathryn!), but I wanted to just quickly share the verse that has been running through my head today: "Who am I, O Sovereign Lord, and what is my family that You have brought us this far?" II Sam. 8:17. I am truly in awe that God could use ME to accomplish anything for Him. I feel so inadequate... but, HE is the one who has brought us "THIS FAR." I continue to trust Him!
Below are some pictures of our family and friends from appointment week.
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