Monday, September 28, 2009

The unending Visa process...

Two weeks... that's all we have to finish packing up the rest of our lives. :) The past several days have been a flurry of filling out paperwork for our Visas. It's crazy all that has to be done. If I could give you the list, it would make you tired just listening to it! The crazy thing is that we have lived in several states in the past 5 years, so we have to get paperwork from each state... a criminal check, for example... and then send that to the Secretary of state in each state to verify that the notary from each state is valid. Could it be more confusing?!? :) It's taking so much longer than we could have imagined!

We also needed to get a letter certifying that none of us have infections diseases or any drug addictions, and that has been quite a hassle. Our dr. in CA wouldn't fill it out for us, b/c he says we need to establish with a new dr. here. So, I was stressing over how we were going to get that done... it takes a long time to get an appointment for a well-visit and it's expensive for SIX people! But, the Lord made a way and has provided a dr. who knows us well who will write the letter for all of us. I was so thankful for that burden being lifted!

Now, we have to send all of our birth certificates out to the secretary of state to EACH state where we were born (NY, NC, and CA) to validate that each is a valid certificate. So, as you are reading all these crazy details, will you pray that all this paper work goes very quickly? I'm not sure how long it's going to take at each state's secretary of state's office. My guess is it could take weeks.... which we really don't have! Please pray for miraculous timing in getting all the paperwork returned quickly.

I wish we had known earlier what we would need to do, b/c once we get all these papers filled out and appropriately authorized, we ALL have to drive up to the consulate in D.C. and hand in our applications in person. Once they are handed in, it takes 14 weeks to get our visas. We barely have the 14 weeks right now, and we still are waiting to get the documents back! I know God has His perfect timing, and we trust Him in that. If you would please pray for everything to go quickly and smoothly, and that we don't miss anything as we are filling everything out!

God really has been so gracious in all things. The appointment service in Jacksonville was moving beyond words. We loved being reunited with our friends, and we are looking forward to the 8 weeks we will all have together at FPO (Field Personnel Training) before we head in different directions all over the world. We know that we are not the only ones going through this craziness!! :) For some reason, that's comforting. :) I'm not the only one losing my mind... :)

Well, sorry nothing profound in this entry, but I wanted to update you on what's going on in lives at this point. We have had internet only sporadically throughout the last month or so, so I've not been able to update much. I do have more to write about, and will hopefully have time tomorrow!! Thank you for all of you who are keeping up with us and praying for us. We so need those prayers. Please also pray for peace and wisdom for us. I find myself getting so anxious about all that needs to be done in the next two weeks. I know it will all get done, and I know the Lord is in control! Thank you all for praying!

1 comment:

  1. I am so, so sorry about the mulitple state security letters. I literally gasped when I read that. We've lived in three states in the past three years, but no one said anything about this. And the notary thing blows my mind.

    I hope it's all coming together. We organize crate stuff during the day and we work on paper work and packing for Virgnina and Africa at night. I'm more exhausted than I was with a newborn. Can't wait to see you guys!
