Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Single for now... :)

I'm a single Mom again. :) Wes is on his mission trip to Argentina right now. We were apart for just over a month when we first moved here to VA (He was in CA, finishing work.), and that time was really, really rough for me. Life is just not the same without my husband here!!! :) After that experience, I don't know HOW military wives do it! My boys just totally ACT different when Daddy is gone. They normally go to bed at 7pm, and when Daddy is gone, they are still awake sometimes at 9pm!!!! (In bed... but still awake!) It's crazy... they are crazy when Daddy is gone. Can any mom's relate to this?? :)

Anyway, I was not looking forward to this trip, b/c it was so difficult to be apart from him last time. Thankfully, things have been better so far. Maybe we just all got used to it, and know the routine now, I'm not sure. Some of it may have to do with the fact that my parents are here too (since we ARE living in their home right now! :) ). I think having my dad around is helpful to my boys. I have to sing his praises for a second, b/c "Papa" has just been amazing. He has taken 3 boys to the pool every night since Wes has been gone... EVERY NIGHT!... all by himself! Ok, I'm the mom, and I rarely venture to do that. :) I'm thankful. It's given the boys a great outlet to get their energy out. Thanks, Papa!!!

Wes's trip is going well. One of the students is blogging during the trip, so if you want to check it out, the site is They have already seen God work in incredible ways!... of course! It's just always exciting to see God ALIVE and ACTIVE when you're on a mission trip. It's not that He's not alive and active here at home; I think it's just that we are often too busy to recognize it for what it is. I crave that focused, unrelenting longing to recognize and obey the hand of God... no matter what the cost. I strive for it daily, but there seem to be so many distractions in regular life! It has been thrilling to be reminded of it again, as I read their blog. Check it out!

The group had an emergency landing on their way down to Buenos Aires... they ended up staying the night in Panama City. It was amazing how God used them on the streets of Panama City ... even in the midst of a "detour." Our God is sovereign and in control!!! Read the blog to get the details. It was amazing.

Since Wes is gone, I've decided to stay busy and get focused on all we need to do in the next week. We leave next Friday (Aug. 22nd) for Raleigh, NC, and we need to have everything packed and ready to be "crated" for Spain before we go. We won't be back here with our stuff until right before we go to training in Richmond. We'll be back with just enough time to crate our belongings and send it on to Spain before we had to 8 weeks of training in Richmond. Time is going by so fast in some ways... and so utterly slow in others! (Even though it's been easier this time, with Wes being gone, I'm still SOOO ready for him to be home!)

I've been focusing on my Mary Kay this week. As some of you may know, I have done Mary Kay for the last several years. It's been such an amazing opportunity, and God has greatly blessed it! I became a director and we earned our first free car! It really is an incredible company; but b/c I'm heading to Spain, I will not be able to continue at the pace that I was working. So, I've been using this week to decide what to do with all my office supplies and my inventory! It's been a major task, but I am getting closer to having it finished. It feels good to have one more thing taken care of!! :)

I am excited as we finish out this next phase in our journey toward our new calling. Next week will be a frenzy, I'm sure. Wes gets home on Sunday, and we'll have the week to tie up all our loose ends here, and get everything situated. Please pray for us in that. Many times, it's all those loose ends that are stressful to take care of! I'm praising the Lord for his faithfulness. There are times when I am so overwhelmed by all that needs to be done, but He often reminds me that HE is in control. So, I will be obedient and do what needs to be done... and constantly remind myself that HE is in control!! :)


  1. Hi...i can relate! HAHA, i'm Paula, the wife of the husband who is working with your husband :o)
    we've been keeping up with your blog! we've been enjoying reading about you guys and meeting Wes and the group that's here!!! IT's been awesome!

  2. Paula! How fun to hear from you on here! I need to get your email address. I have no other way to contact you, so I thought I'd post this. :)

    Wes has LOVED working with y'all! He keeps saying he wishes I could meet you. You have just recently walked the path we are about to journey down! It's been helpful for Wes to be able to talk with y'all about it. Thanks for all the help! :) It's always thrilling to meet others with the same passion for Christ... maybe someday we will meet face to face. :)
