Thursday, September 29, 2011

The First day of School!

I can't believe the day has come that ALL my kids go to school!  It's way too early!  (Granted, kids start school at 3 here... so it literally IS early for me! :) )  Thank the Lord that the first day of school was a very exciting day for all my kids this year.  As you all remember, when we first came, school was something that caused anxiety attacks. :)  Not so anymore, praise the Lord!

Carolina has been ready to go with the boys for months now. :)  She is SOOO much like her daddy.  She LOVES people and thrives on being with them.  Her first day was so thrilling for her.  While other kids cried and clung, Carolina waved and smiled. :)  Every morning, she asks if she can go see her friends.
Carolina, lined up, walking into school.

This is Carolina's friend, Sam.  His dad is a Spaniard, but his mom is British.  They are the two "blonds" in the class.

On the playground!

They look like they go together, don't they?? :)

Carolina started school, only going a couple hours each day, and each week they have added more time.  This was her coming out after almost a full day of school (1 hour short of a "full day.")  I was worried she would realize how long she was going to be away from us, and that she would cry... like most of the kids after their first long day.  She loved it, of course! I'm so thankful.  It's already a little difficult for me to think of my THREE year old in school, away from me all day... but, it's much easier, knowing that she LOVES it.  Plus, I know it's the best thing for her language, for sure.  The teacher says Carolina has no difficulty understanding, even though she doesn't fluently speak the language.  She will be fluent before long, I'm sure!  Ahh... the gift of a second language learned so young! :)

1 comment:

  1. Learning another language that young is TRULY a gift. These pictures are SO ADORABLE! :D
