Thursday, January 21, 2010

Our Visas have been Approved!

Praise the Lord!  Wes found out yesterday that all of our visas have been approved.  They  are not actually at our consulate yet, but they told us we could pick them up on Monday.  Yipee!!  Wes has been calling everyday, several times a day, for the past two weeks.  In that time, this is the FIRST time he has even talked to someone.  Usually, there is no answer, and no option to leave a message.  It was kinda strange.  He has been able to leave messages just a few times (with never a return a phone call); but yesterday, he actually got to talk with someone!  We are so excited.

So we made a million contacts yesterday, and we have figured out that we will probably be flying into Madrid.  We'll spend the night there, pick up our car (yay!... we weren't sure if we were going to get one, so that's exciting, too!) and then drive the 3.5 hour trip to Caceres.   Oh, cool... I just (literally, as I was writing this!) got an email that our car will be a 2005 Ford Galaxy! :)

Our Team Leader is actually back here in the States right now.  They had some medical issues come up with his wife, so they came here on Jan. 14th to take care of some things with her.  But, right now, Chris is looking for apartments for us (online and over the phone), coordinating with some Journeyman that are still there in Caceres. :)  Kinda crazy, but so exciting to think this is finally happening!  They will be sending pics and offering options.  We have simply asked that they find something that is pretty accessible for Nathan.  2nd floor is ok, if there is an elevator... that kind of thing.  Chris already has an idea of the area of the city that he wants us to live in, so that helps narrow it down.  We will keep you posted on all that!

Wes and I are supposed to start language school the second week of Feb., so we may make it just in time!  I'm still not sure of all the details of that... getting us registered and all... but I know classes begin soon.  School for the boys has already begun for this semester, but we will get them in school as soon as we can once we get there.  It may even be as quick as register the day we arrive, and they start the next day.  So, pray for all those details and those transistions for the kids, too.  We will also have to find a national to watch Carolina while Wes and I are in language school.  It will be about 4 hours a day.  Please pray for that, as well!

God knows His perfect timing in all of this.  It is such a relief to know the time-frame.  We weren't sure how long it was going to be, so we weren't sure if we should enroll the kids in school here or not.  We have  been homeschooling, because we've been traveling so much.  Now that I look back on the past several weeks (and I figure I'd better do it now, b/c I may not have time in the next month :) ), I am so thankful for the peaceful, special time we were able to have with so many friends and family.  I think if I had known WHEN we would be leaving, I'd have been anxious about getting home and getting organized.  God knew... this way, it was peaceful and restful.  We SO enjoyed our precious time with everyone.  I tried to savor every moment, reminding myself to capture the moment and burn the memory into my heart.  My guess is it's part of what will get us through those first couple months there! :)

So, we just finished our taxes today.  I don't think we've EVER done them this early!  But I don't want to lug all the paperwork to Spain with us.  We've done them so quickly that we are still waiting on a 1099 from Mary Kay, and then we'll be all finished!  It really feels very good to have that done so soon! :)  And I think we must've dropped a tax bracket, since we didn't make much this year. :)  We usually end up paying taxes, b/c of the way things are set up with Wes being ordained and me having my own business... but we will actually get some back this year!  Kinda nice... maybe it'll help us buy our furniture once we get there. :)

We are so thankful for all of your prayers along the way.  Please begin to pray for the details that have to fall into place now.  Well, first, pray that everything will be in order when we go pick up our visas in D.C. on Monday. :)  Then pray that the Lord will open up the exact apartment that He wants us to be in... for our neighbors and for the neighborhood. Please pray also for the right schools for the boys (the schools are determined according to where you live, so the location of the apartment plays a big part in that.)  Pray that we will find a great price for airline tickets with the LEAST amount of connections possible ... with 4 kids, the less we have to move and change, the better!  Please also pray for us to find the right person to watch Carolina. Praise the Lord for His Sovereignty! I'm so thankful that He is in control.  Can't wait to see His hand in all of this!

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